4 July 2011

Cycling サイクリング

Tour de France started a couple of days ago and there is nothing i like doing more then watching Tour De France during the day with a nice cold drink. True many people call it the Tour De Doping with all the drug scandles every year, but to ride a bike hundreds of kilometers day after day is both mental and physcial disciple that I have upmost respect for. Plus the ability to ride that close in a group for hours at that speed is impressive.

最近トル デ フランスが始まった!日本ではやってないと思うけどめちゃー楽しいよ〜!!サイクル選手は毎日100kmいじょう乗ったり、何時間ずーっと自転車のってるとすごい感動する. みんなそんな近くでそのスピードでやるのはすごいと思う!!!

I love cycling in all its forms. I used to mountain bike in England and Canada around Whistler in the summer but now i opted more for speed. Me and my dad are currently having our own Tour De Farran on the edge of the Pyrenees...!!

I love cycling

My dad loves cycling

Now everybody go ride a  bike, be healthy and save the planet. 



Check out the Sitges Cycling Video.... More to come soon.... 

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