2 September 2011

Pre Season Highlights '11

As pre-season comes to an end i decided to upload some footage put together from training camp in Korea.

Here is the Video

I wanted to call the video something more along the lines of "Eating people for breakfast", or "Slide tackling 101", or "Paris vs Korea" but decided to keep it PG 13 and went with a more simple title.
『タックル101』それか『パリスvs韓国』とか どう?

The theme song was a tough decision. I wanted to go with either "You cant touch this" by Mc Hammer or "Its like that" by Run DMC. And if you watch or know the Vanilla Ice video i just love the dance moves and the energy of the song so i decided to go with that! My dad suggested more of a Rock style in bands like Aerosmith and ACDC but I stuck with my instincts!


Some of the images I have in my mind when i play are,

Gandalf... not that I'm old or a wizard... but "YOU SHALL NOT PASS"... its just epic!
ガンダルフ、老人でも魔法使いでもないけど"YOU SHALL NOT PASS"はいい感じ。

Maybe a little... "THIS IS SPARTA" but change the "Sparta" with Paris and you get the idea...

I think I will stop there.


1 comment:

  1. ビデオ見せていただきました!

    South Chinaでのデビュー戦に期待します!
