13 November 2011

Buddhist Temple in Lantau Island.

Sorry for the delay but last weekend after having no game the team went to Lantau island to visit an impressive Buddhist temple! It was quiet a drive from Causeway Bay but it was definitely worth it.
So I was really happy the team went by bus as don't think would have like to make the adventure by myself. For the record,  being from a mixed background I was never pushed towards religion or anything but i would consider myself Buddhist more then anything else.
10000 Buddha's were at the top of this. 一万の仏像はこの上に展示されてた。

We just went to the temple and didn't actually go to the big buddah, I'm somewhat glad that we didn't as being injured and seeing the pictures i don't think i would have liked the stairs. But now it means I 100% have to go back and see the big Buddah.

Naturally I wasn't allowed to take pictures inside but it was beautiful, there was this one room here that had 10000 Buddahs all different expressions and positions in a spiral around the room. Was nothing like anything I've seen at other temples before.

Enough talk here are some of the pictures from the trip. お話はこの辺で。

cool snake... 蛇

what a view...

November and the sun is shinning... 11月の晴天日

vegetarian lunch to top off the day.  ベジテリアンの昼食

Sorry the photos aren't very good. Need a better camera.

I think there are many more cultural things to do and see around HK so I have 1 down and many more to go. 香港には独特な文化を誇る催しものや場所がたくさんある。ここにいる間、もっとたくさん経験しなければ。


31 October 2011


Movember is just a couple days away. Now I have looked it up and its big in Australia, US, Canada but its not that big here in Hong Kong.

Movember is a simple charity movement where men grow mustaches out for 30 days to be a walking billboard of action towards mens health research. Prostate Cancer and depression being the largest two.  Men who take part are called Mo Bro's and women who help gather support are called Mo sista's.

Becoming a Mo Bro is simple, there are 5 rules.

1. October 31st the mustache and handle bar area must be clean. AKA no facial hair.
2. During November no hair can grow below the bottom lip.
3. No joining of mustache to sideburns.
4. No joining of the handle bars to your chin to create a goatie.
5. Each man with a mustache must conduct himself as a true gentleman!

Simple as that.
The traditional Mo Bro looks are below

If you struggle to grow a beard start now.... awareness is awareness! But technically you're not allowed to start early and compete but you can still start now for the sake of awareness!

Some team mates and friends in Hong Kong are all growing our beards and my dad and brother are too... I will upload photos when the time comes.

But on a side note in November if you see a guy with a beard, pat him on the back, give him a hug, whistle at him, do something to encourage him on. Also if u see food or milk or something mixed up in the beard, please inform him.

I look forward to seeing the bearded men of Hong Kong over the next month.


14 October 2011

September football

Its been a while since I've blogged. No real reason why, maybe if anything just not sure how to word my thoughts. Which for most people who know me will find that hard to believe as words constantly come out my mouth like projectile vomit.

The season has now begun and I have featured in 2 of the teams 3 games. 1 win, 1 draw and 1 loss. Got to play in Hong Kong Stadium which is Home of the Rugby 7s for those of you who aren't aware...(shame on you if your not aware as im buzzin' to watch the rugby next march). Hard to believe for many but I used to play rugby until 14. I was a hooker, its a position...!!

1 thing I enjoy about home stadium is the fact its similar to English stadiums with there being no running track around it so the fans are closer and louder. I think this makes it more fun for the fans and the players. Plus its nice being able to spot friends around the stadium.

Here is a extremely touristy photo taken inside the stadium

Yes the pitch looks very nice but I'm worried when the big rugby guys get on it and destroy it but its the best grass I have played on in HK so far. So very happy that its SCAA home stadium! Look at it... looks like a lovely green carpet!

Here are some pics from the first two games!

Great support at away games.... アウェイの試合に応援に来てくれたファン。
Not friends on the pitch.... 試合中は友でも容赦しない。

We look like cartoon characters i like it.. and these 2 are a lot taller and we
all look the same height so i like it....

Thats some pictures and here is a short highlight from those 2 games.

On a side note been here 2 months now and still enjoying HK, great city!!


16 September 2011

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival Pt.2

So first part of the events was the moon-cake. Part ll it seems was the lanterns and Fire Dragon Dance.

The lanterns were conveniently very close to the club house so it was an easy walk. It was really pretty with the full moon and energy of the people all admiring the lights and the atmosphere of such events. Shame I was with my team mate Dyron so it was not romantic at all...

Here are the pictures of the lanterns

you can see the moon in the background
many people...  たくさんの人々

Also made a wish but i cant share that....

Thats some of the photos from that walk.

But before that we went to watch the Fire dragon dance. I was so lucky I got to see it as i didn't know of it until the day when i was told by Asli Colette. It isn't like any other dragon dance ive seen before. It was a extremely long and was stabbed with hundreds of incense.  It was more of a smoke dragon but it was really fun. We got there just on time and watch the pre-show drums and children walking with lanterns and then the dragon came. Now the best thing about my team mate is that he is 195cm... and when in Hong Kong that is very handy when taking pictures in large crowds. So he naturally became the camera man for the night.
竜の踊りを見に行く寸前に初めてこのことを聞いた。Asli Coletteが教えてくれた。他にも見たことあったけどこれは今までのものより一番長くたくさんのお香にさされていた。だから火というより煙に囲まれた竜だったよ。ショーが始まる寸前だったから子供達や太鼓のパフォマーンスがありそして竜の登場。チームメイトは195CM。香港でかなり役立つ身長。大勢の人ごみの中、楽に写真が撮れた。

Hope you enjoy the pictures and the video.

my date....haha

long, smokey dragon!! 長くてけむったい竜

lots and lots of people!
Here is the video.

The background music is my current favortie HK song!!


15 September 2011

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival

This is a totally new festival for me. I used to live near China town in Yokohama, Japan but i had never tried Moon-cake or heard the story behind the moon cake.

So when i heard of everyone buying them and eating them and i saw many pretty girls on billboards holding moon cakes i knew i'd have to try 1...
YUMMYYY おいしそう。

As soon as i asked about moon cakes I was invited to the bma to try some. I received many different flavors and naturally red bean was my favorite... as red bean is my favorite anything...!!! I have eaten 3 moon cakes and they are super filling and very good. So for people who ever get a chance to try moon cake.. do it as it is goood!!!

Now the story behind it  has been interesting. I have asked many people about mooncake and the story is different every time... the first version... told by a team mate was the worst...

He said... Well, this guy wanted to live forever and mooncake was the secret ingredient... but his wife stole the mooncake that gave her abilities to fly and she flew to the moon... THE END... Naturally my reaction was a very confused face!

After hearing a few more versions i decided to turn to the website that got me through high school.WIKIPEDIA!!

Now Wikipedia says that there are also different versions.. i chose the romantic 1...
  • man and wife banished from heaven to live on Earth... 
  • ある男とその妻が天国を抜け出して、地球に行った。
  • man becomes amazing archer and shoots down a sun...
  • 男は弓芸術家になり太陽を撃ち下した。
  • as a reward the man receives the pill of eternal life
  • ご褒美びとして永遠の命を授かる薬を手にする。
  • he saves the pill for another time and leaves home with work.. 
  • 男はその薬をすぐに飲まないで、仕事に出かける。
  • his wife finds the pill and eats it... 
  • 妻がその薬をみつけて飲んでしまう。
  • he questions her and she flys away to the moon. 
  • 男が妻を責めると妻は月まで飛んでいってしまう。
  • she asked the hare that lives on the moon to make another pill so she can return to her husband
  • 月に住むウサギにもう一錠同じ薬をつくってほしいと頼む妻。彼女はそれをもって男のところに戻るつもりだった。
  • the hare is still making the pill.
  • ウサギはまだその薬をつくっている最中とか。
But on the night of the Mid Autumn festival he gets to visit his wife and that is why the moon is so full and beautiful.

Now what does that teach us??? NEVER TRUST WOMEN.... no no no im joking. it teaches to hide things better.... no no no im joking it teaches us true love? .....ANYWAY....

Here are the moon cakes i ate that day...

Love it... im a fan! 

Hope everyone had a Happy Mid Autumn Festival, it was my first and im 100% a fan.


11 September 2011

An over due post.

Sorry i haven't been blogging much recently. I will write a proper post soon but for now I decided to put some media footage that I have featured in during my month in Hong Kong and in South China so far.

最近ブログ書けなくってツイマテン!! そろそろ書くと思うけど、とりあえず今回のブログは香港で掲載されたニュースの特集!!

For another video click here

These 3 videos are from the clubs opening ceremony. I have never taken part in a opening ceremony like that so it was something new and interesting. It was to pay respect to the gods for the season ahead.

If you can see on the video it has the temp at 31degrees and the humidity at 64%.... it wasn't a sweat free day thats for sure.


something weird with my right hand.,..

i just like to dance dance dance dance

I guess many of the Hong Kong blog viewers would have seen this some of this before so i apologize, so this post is for views in other parts of the world.

I really need to improve my interview skills. Most people who know me wonder probably why I answer with such short answers but luckily modern technology edits my gibberish and takes only the essentials.... So big Thank you to Modern Technology.

Also was very nice to meet many of the South China fans at the stadium yesterday. And also very nice many people said "Ganbatte" in japanese. Thank you.


2 September 2011

Pre Season Highlights '11

As pre-season comes to an end i decided to upload some footage put together from training camp in Korea.

Here is the Video

I wanted to call the video something more along the lines of "Eating people for breakfast", or "Slide tackling 101", or "Paris vs Korea" but decided to keep it PG 13 and went with a more simple title.
『タックル101』それか『パリスvs韓国』とか どう?

The theme song was a tough decision. I wanted to go with either "You cant touch this" by Mc Hammer or "Its like that" by Run DMC. And if you watch or know the Vanilla Ice video i just love the dance moves and the energy of the song so i decided to go with that! My dad suggested more of a Rock style in bands like Aerosmith and ACDC but I stuck with my instincts!


Some of the images I have in my mind when i play are,

Gandalf... not that I'm old or a wizard... but "YOU SHALL NOT PASS"... its just epic!
ガンダルフ、老人でも魔法使いでもないけど"YOU SHALL NOT PASS"はいい感じ。

Maybe a little... "THIS IS SPARTA" but change the "Sparta" with Paris and you get the idea...

I think I will stop there.


26 August 2011

Training Camp Korea Pt.2

So I was in Korea on a 18 day training camp.

It was the longest training camp I've ever been on and probably the hardest. During the 18 days we had many games and double trainings almost everyday. Plus not to mention in the heat and humidity like an asian summer.

1 of the best things about the camp was the fact that I was with my new teammates everyday, 3 meals a day etc etc... It let me get to know them faster than everyone having their own lives in Hong Kong it was a lot easier to talk and socialize.

But technically 1 of the best things about the camp was the number of times we had Korean BBQ. Its super awesome!! I dont quite know how to explain it to those who have never tried it but i guess its something like cooking thin strips of meat on a burner, in the middle of your table with 3 other people or so...? And then you dip the meat into sauce and eat with rice or lettuce or kimchi (spiiicy). Kinda hard to explain but it is very good and I usuggest it to any true meat lover.

Maybe the photo helps?

Here are a few pictures from games and training.

run forest run....マジ走りヤバイ

trick contest?? トリックコンテスト。

different boots for each foot... 片足づつ別のシューズはいてみた。

always wanted to be a figure skater... i found my partner??

more run forest run... 走り続ける。

reminds me of my rugby days.... ラクビーやってた懐かしい思い出がもどった。

One of the most important factors of a training camp is to push your body as hard as possible without getting injured. Thats where physios, ice baths, tape, all become big players in holding me in 1 piece. Somehow I survived and now feel in better shape then I have in a long time and looking forward to the season ahead.

me ruining a photo of ben... but much thanks to him i survived!
Also it was my birthday in Korea, although many people joke I'm around 25 I actually turned 22... So some of the guys on the team were awsome and got me cake... but most of the cake met my face.. not my mouth... but a good laugh and touching as i knew them less then 2 weeks.
cake faced... 4 times... 1 person each... i guess they found it funny...??

I think I will stop there.


22 August 2011

First Day off in HK

So after 18 days in South Korea I'm back in Hong Kong. I will blog about the Korea Experience soon but for now I just got back after 18 days without a single full day of rest.

So what to do once getting a little bit of freedom? Decided to find a book store... Which in the 21st century is much harder than you would expect. With most people buying books online or downloading them to their ipads or kindle's it took a while to find one.

Now there were many "Learn Cantonese" books so it was hard choosing which one would be best. So even though society tells us not to "Judge a book by its cover". Which is funny because book stores seal there books so you can only judge a book by the cover... mixed messages...!! Who knew book stores are so judgemental....

With judging by the covers this book stood out as it had,
"Will you marry me?"
"Join the queue!"
"I love you"
All listed above, "My name is..." Which embarrassing enough almost made me LOL in a almost silent book store.

So far my favorite part of the book is the section, "Local sayings"... Now i don't know if they are true as books lie...
It's a piece of cake.  Yart bowl, dung teen. Literally means: One step to heaven.
Killing 2 birds with 1 stone. Yart zeen,serng dee-oo. Literally means: 1 arrow, 2 birds.
Win, Win situation. Choy sick, geem sow. Literally means: You have money and sex.

I think I will stop there.

So the learning a 4th language continues..... Wish me luck.
